Sunday, July 10, 2016

Random Thoughts

The Blog
Carl Ambrose, Jr.

Reasons the CPSB Should Be Recalled

As taxpayers, citizens have very few means to voice their concerns in a way that get results.Your local government has the most affect on your life, just as that is the part of government that YOU have the most control over. Elected officials should do what's right for the community as a whole but as you have witnessed in Calcasieu Parish, SWLa. and surrounding  areas, that's not the case.  When it comes to the school board, it's members elected by the people to represent their "best" interest, as well as, make sure that the Superintendent is following the law and making decisions that enhance the school system.  If you want to see the problems simply go to a meeting, read the minutes, watch the edited videos of the meetings.  The minutes are very telling about many of the problems facing the 5th largest school district in the state, how problems are dealt with, or in some cases not dealt with. The members of the Calcasieu Parish School Board are suppose to represent the people and their best interest, they should not just be a rubber stamp  for the Superintendent. There is NO TRANSPARENCY, OR ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE SYSTEM. In order for the citizens to have a fair accounting of the finances of the parish school system, and independent, forensic audit needs to be done, until then, no one knows where the money has gone or is going. There are many reasons this board should be recalled, here are just a few.

1.Not reading the superintendent's first contract 2013-2015,nor the second one.
By not reading the contract, they failed to know that the evaluation (Rubric) should have been done in November of 2015.  Once being made aware of the law not being followed, they allowed the "new" contract to be discussed. By not reading the "new"contract, they didn't know that the superintendent HAS NO ACCOUNTABILITY IN HIS CONTRACT, can make any changes and if it all goes down hill he gets  a $20, 000 raise for life, even though 21 schools are failing and district score dropped 11 points.

2. Not making sure that the Superintendent follows state law.
The original contract specifically states that the evaluation of the superintendent should have occurred in November of 2015. Is that not a legal binding agreement, IS THE LETTER OF THE LAW NOT CLEAR? While the school board attorney and Superintendent said nothing about the failure of the attorney to notify the board that a deadline had been missed. A weak explanation has been spelled out by an attorney and has been reviewed by other attorneys who DISAGREE with the ONE SCHOOL BOARD ATTORNEY.
"The superintendent shall at all times be the ethical leader of the district by complying with all applicable State and local ethics laws."

3.Not insisting that the board and the people have legal representation to have a 2nd voice on legal matters. Parishes of this size have as many as 3-4 attorneys simply due to the scope of legal work.
 The board attorney  is working for the superintendent.  How do we know that? He, by proxy, is the person who backs up the superintendent's positions  legally to the board and citizens. The citizens have no representation due to the either incompetence  or willful actions that are not in the best interest of the citizens.

5.Allowing the contract to be based on the wrong evaluation and allowing the contract to be reworded excluding a word on ALL standard contracts in the CPSB system.

The Rubric evaluation was to have been used, this was brought to the attention of the board in October of 2015. After ignoring repeated request for clarification of compliance with ACT 1., we got a weak response from the attorney. 

 There is one word that is in all standard employee contracts, at least in the teachers contract, it's missing from the new contract. If your school board member read both contracts and has read a standard contract, they should not only know what the word is, know that it was removed. The attorney and Superintendent are the only two people who could answer why. One could only assume that requirement was one that could not be fulfilled or had already been breached, and there could be evidence of the breach (i.e. minutes, etc). pure speculation and NOT AN ACCUSATION, but that is all that surrounds the CPSB, speculation, since transparency  is like the contract, Null and Void.

6.Failing to insure that the superintendent recommends "QUALIFIED" individuals for promotion as required by his contract. 

The organizational chart has been arranged and re-arranged to "make" positions for individuals, while qualified individuals are intentionally overlooked. Time, money and man hours have been spent attempting to get exemptions when qualified people are in house.  The hiring, promotion and organizational problems are systematic and through a simple public records request, the pattern can be found.

7.At meetings, little to no discussion about the kids, finding out what the superintendent plans to do to improve the current situation.  Just talk of an additional $17/yr  added to the superintendents salary for life with more than a 1/3 of the schools failing and school system receiving a lower letter grade. With this raise, the Superintendent will have raised his salary and retirement package by over 50% in 2 yrs. We get 21 failing schools, and 11 points lower and no say in how the money is spent. We also get the probability of  litigation, and no clear plan on what is going to be done to improve the schools. Just read the minutes of the meetings.

8. Allowing CPSB funds to be dispersed unevenly and biased.

Some schools get $100's of thousands of dollars, some get teachers who aren't certified.
The teachers were to have gotten a $4000 raise, some only got $3600 according to several school board members. There is a bloated administration at the CPSB, with NO TRANSPARENCY  you can't be sure the best decisions are being made.  

When the question of whose interest does the board or attorney represent, they aren't representing the children or citizens Some who received campaign contributions from certain groups, ALWAYS BACK THE SUPERITENDENT.  Some members have problems getting questions answered, items on the agenda, etc.  How bad? a board member asked about a double billing, still waiting on and answer, read the minutes.

  This contract does little to ensure that there is ANY ACCOUNTABILITY BY ANYONE. and more than likely be challenged in court, the law is clear.  Further more, this is strictly about the system, no one individual.  As it stands now the superintendent nor the board has ANY ACCOUNTABILITY.  Principals, teachers and students are all accountable, why isn't the board and the superintendent held accountable?  Every time that you make a purchase in Calcasieu parish, you are giving more money to this group, and you have no advocates. nearly $400 MILLION, it's your money.
Its time for the school board to be overhauled and revamped, so that the citizens benefit, not business.  RECALL THE SCHOOL BOARD.

There are many blogs, Facebook pages and sites that help to keep you informed about YOUR MONEY, USE THEM AND MAKE YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE AND DEMAND TRANSPARENCY.
It's time for a forensic audit.

Below you will find documentation and links to other pieces that express similar concerns, that have not been addressed.

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