Sunday, October 23, 2016

Random Thoughts

The Blog

Carl M. Ambrose, Jr.

These are 10 of the easiest vegetables you can regrow and not have to purchase again.  With concerns about food safety, GMOs, and the financial times which we live, this will take little effort and save you time and money.

1)Green Onions
One of the easiest vegetables to regrow is green onions because you can literally eat them and replant them. Simply cut off of the stems that you will use for your recipes and place the ends in a jar of water. Within just a few days you will begin to notice new shoots growing and you can replant them for regrowth.
2) Garlic
One great thing about garlic is you can purchase a few cloves and never have to buy it again. This is because new garlic shoots will actually grow out of the individual cloves themselves. And guess what? No water needed. All you have to do is place them on a dish in the sun and you will begin to notice new green shoots growing from the cloves. Pretty cool, huh?
3) Bok Choy
Bok Choy is another easy vegetable to regrow because the stem/root of the plant can be soaked in water with a little fertilizer and will begin to regrow new plants. Once a strong root system has begun to form and you notice solid greenery growing from the bulb, you can plant it. After you harvest it again you can repeat the process
4) Carrots
Eat. Grow. Repeat. That is the way of the carrot which is one of the easiest vegetables to continue to grow. All you need to do is keep the ends of the carrots and soak them in shallow water. New shoots will begin to grow from the carrot stubs as well as roots. In no time you will have brand new carrots to enjoy as a side dish or on top of your salads.
5) Basil
When it comes to herbs, the easiest one to continue to grow and never purchase more is basil. Why you ask? Well, the basil leaves themselves can be planted to grow brand new basil plants! Talk about the circle of life. So if you love cooking with basil, you can have a never ending supply by simply potting a few of the leaves.
Have you ever bought a big bunch of celery and didn’t know what to do with the “butt” once you’ve sliced all the stalks? Well, now you do–plant it to grow more celery. All you have to do is soak it in water and the plant will regrow it’s roots and you can easily plant it again to grow more stalks. Talk about a money saver!
Romaine lettuce is another excellent vegetable that is perfect for constant regrowth. All you need to do is soak the end of the head of lettuce for a week and you will begin to see new roots take shape. You can then transfer them to your garden or pots until brand new heads of romaine have grown. It’s a fairly simple process and you will always have salad available.
Cilantro is another herb that is great for easy growing and you can literally plant the cilantro leaves to start having new shoots begin to sprout. It can take a little longer with cilantro due to how delicate the herb is and that there is no root system, but it will grow and you can easily have cilantro for days!
9)Sweet Potatoes
Have you ever left a sweet potato in your fridge for too long and noticed it began to sprout leaves? This is because a sweet potato plant can actually regrow itself from the potato because it’s a root to begin with. Therefore, if you want to have a constant supply of sweet potatoes plant a few in your garden. In no time you will have brand new baby sweet potatoes.
Ginger is a great herb for flavoring drinks, teas as well as soothing the stomach from ailments. You can also keep regrowing it by planting the ginger itself in the ground because it’s actually a root. So the next time you run to the store, grab some extra ginger and plant it in a pot. You will be surprised at how quickly it will continue to grow.

     There are other plants which you can easily grow, hopefully these tips will help you save some money and also give you something the family can do together.  It's time to grow food!   Until the urge to write strikes again have a great week.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Random Thoughts

The Blog
Carl Ambrose, Jr.

Reasons the CPSB Should Be Recalled

As taxpayers, citizens have very few means to voice their concerns in a way that get results.Your local government has the most affect on your life, just as that is the part of government that YOU have the most control over. Elected officials should do what's right for the community as a whole but as you have witnessed in Calcasieu Parish, SWLa. and surrounding  areas, that's not the case.  When it comes to the school board, it's members elected by the people to represent their "best" interest, as well as, make sure that the Superintendent is following the law and making decisions that enhance the school system.  If you want to see the problems simply go to a meeting, read the minutes, watch the edited videos of the meetings.  The minutes are very telling about many of the problems facing the 5th largest school district in the state, how problems are dealt with, or in some cases not dealt with. The members of the Calcasieu Parish School Board are suppose to represent the people and their best interest, they should not just be a rubber stamp  for the Superintendent. There is NO TRANSPARENCY, OR ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE SYSTEM. In order for the citizens to have a fair accounting of the finances of the parish school system, and independent, forensic audit needs to be done, until then, no one knows where the money has gone or is going. There are many reasons this board should be recalled, here are just a few.

1.Not reading the superintendent's first contract 2013-2015,nor the second one.
By not reading the contract, they failed to know that the evaluation (Rubric) should have been done in November of 2015.  Once being made aware of the law not being followed, they allowed the "new" contract to be discussed. By not reading the "new"contract, they didn't know that the superintendent HAS NO ACCOUNTABILITY IN HIS CONTRACT, can make any changes and if it all goes down hill he gets  a $20, 000 raise for life, even though 21 schools are failing and district score dropped 11 points.

2. Not making sure that the Superintendent follows state law.
The original contract specifically states that the evaluation of the superintendent should have occurred in November of 2015. Is that not a legal binding agreement, IS THE LETTER OF THE LAW NOT CLEAR? While the school board attorney and Superintendent said nothing about the failure of the attorney to notify the board that a deadline had been missed. A weak explanation has been spelled out by an attorney and has been reviewed by other attorneys who DISAGREE with the ONE SCHOOL BOARD ATTORNEY.
"The superintendent shall at all times be the ethical leader of the district by complying with all applicable State and local ethics laws."

3.Not insisting that the board and the people have legal representation to have a 2nd voice on legal matters. Parishes of this size have as many as 3-4 attorneys simply due to the scope of legal work.
 The board attorney  is working for the superintendent.  How do we know that? He, by proxy, is the person who backs up the superintendent's positions  legally to the board and citizens. The citizens have no representation due to the either incompetence  or willful actions that are not in the best interest of the citizens.

5.Allowing the contract to be based on the wrong evaluation and allowing the contract to be reworded excluding a word on ALL standard contracts in the CPSB system.

The Rubric evaluation was to have been used, this was brought to the attention of the board in October of 2015. After ignoring repeated request for clarification of compliance with ACT 1., we got a weak response from the attorney. 

 There is one word that is in all standard employee contracts, at least in the teachers contract, it's missing from the new contract. If your school board member read both contracts and has read a standard contract, they should not only know what the word is, know that it was removed. The attorney and Superintendent are the only two people who could answer why. One could only assume that requirement was one that could not be fulfilled or had already been breached, and there could be evidence of the breach (i.e. minutes, etc). pure speculation and NOT AN ACCUSATION, but that is all that surrounds the CPSB, speculation, since transparency  is like the contract, Null and Void.

6.Failing to insure that the superintendent recommends "QUALIFIED" individuals for promotion as required by his contract. 

The organizational chart has been arranged and re-arranged to "make" positions for individuals, while qualified individuals are intentionally overlooked. Time, money and man hours have been spent attempting to get exemptions when qualified people are in house.  The hiring, promotion and organizational problems are systematic and through a simple public records request, the pattern can be found.

7.At meetings, little to no discussion about the kids, finding out what the superintendent plans to do to improve the current situation.  Just talk of an additional $17/yr  added to the superintendents salary for life with more than a 1/3 of the schools failing and school system receiving a lower letter grade. With this raise, the Superintendent will have raised his salary and retirement package by over 50% in 2 yrs. We get 21 failing schools, and 11 points lower and no say in how the money is spent. We also get the probability of  litigation, and no clear plan on what is going to be done to improve the schools. Just read the minutes of the meetings.

8. Allowing CPSB funds to be dispersed unevenly and biased.

Some schools get $100's of thousands of dollars, some get teachers who aren't certified.
The teachers were to have gotten a $4000 raise, some only got $3600 according to several school board members. There is a bloated administration at the CPSB, with NO TRANSPARENCY  you can't be sure the best decisions are being made.  

When the question of whose interest does the board or attorney represent, they aren't representing the children or citizens Some who received campaign contributions from certain groups, ALWAYS BACK THE SUPERITENDENT.  Some members have problems getting questions answered, items on the agenda, etc.  How bad? a board member asked about a double billing, still waiting on and answer, read the minutes.

  This contract does little to ensure that there is ANY ACCOUNTABILITY BY ANYONE. and more than likely be challenged in court, the law is clear.  Further more, this is strictly about the system, no one individual.  As it stands now the superintendent nor the board has ANY ACCOUNTABILITY.  Principals, teachers and students are all accountable, why isn't the board and the superintendent held accountable?  Every time that you make a purchase in Calcasieu parish, you are giving more money to this group, and you have no advocates. nearly $400 MILLION, it's your money.
Its time for the school board to be overhauled and revamped, so that the citizens benefit, not business.  RECALL THE SCHOOL BOARD.

There are many blogs, Facebook pages and sites that help to keep you informed about YOUR MONEY, USE THEM AND MAKE YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE AND DEMAND TRANSPARENCY.
It's time for a forensic audit.

Below you will find documentation and links to other pieces that express similar concerns, that have not been addressed.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Random Thoughts The Blog

Carl M. Ambrose, Jr.

* They're 3000 counties in the U.S., 50% of the population lives in just 146 of them.

* There are roughly 7 Billion people on earth.

* 30,000 children die each day.

* There are 1 Million pounds of food thrown away each day.

* There are 4 Billion tons of toxic industrial pollution discharged per year.

* There are 2 Billion functioning cellphones thrown away per year.

*  50% of taxes got Military spending.

* Private corporations own and run 51% of everything on earth.

* The biggest problem facing America and the world in the next 5 yrs?
   Water, fresh drinking water.
   Corporations own the rights to much of the available drinking water in America.

* There are over 100,000 synthetic toxic chemicals mixed with organic compounds
   to create food, merchandise and products that or poisonous to you.

* Gold is being re-valued, as well as silver. 
   Gold and Silver production is Zero at present
   Demand will increase on precious metals that there is ALWAYS a demand for.

Randomness from Louisiana

     Senate Candidate Caroline Fayard held a campaign event recently in SWLa.  The event was held at the 1910 Restaurant & Wine Bar in downtown Lake Charles, nice crowd to hear the candidate speak and have a chance to talk to her.
     Speaking of the senate race, like the Governor's race it's off to a slow start.
The nine declared candidates have done little in the area of fund-raising or advertising.  With the state having budget problems and an upcoming session, attention is focused elsewhere.  The national election is also casting a shadow over this and other senate races around the country. While the major Republican candidates are the favorites in La., if Caroline Fayard, can get her message out, we could have a repeat of Last year's Governor's race, a republican against a democrat.  Though at this point, that does seem to be a long shot, kinda like the Governor's race. 

     In the race for the 3rd District seat there are six candidates: Greg Ellision, Brent Guymann, Erick Knezek, Gus Rantz, Grover Joseph Rees and Scott Angelle who  picked up the endorsement of the current holder of the seat and senate candidate Charles Boustany, Jr.
"I am proud to support Scott Angelle for the Third Congressional District. I've worked with Scott to support our farmers, our ports, and to restore our coastline. We fought together against the Obama administration in the wake of the Gulf drilling moratorium and won," reads the endorsement touted by Angelle. "I'm supporting Scott because he's the best candidate to stop Washington's war on oil, repeal Obamacare, and secure our border."

     While in Calcasieu Parish mums the word on the contract problems of the Superintendent of Schools. Conventional wisdom would think that copies were sent to more than us, knowing that the situation has been ignored by the local media for months.  Testing the waters...The quiet before the storm I would suspect...while state-wide..
   There might be some relief for teachers as  SB  342, sponsored by Sen. Gerald Boudreaux, D-Lafayette, heads to the full Senate for debate after passing out of the Senate Education Committee on Thursday. The measure seems to have a lot of support and is expected to pass. 

     Hopefully the last words on Piyish Jindal, seems he came out of hiding at the $800K+ hole to be seen in Washington, just as Lamar White, Jr. (he's everywhere you know) was dropping a dime on his flip to now endorsing Trump while letting Vitter rot on the vine in last years Governor's race. Read More

     After the worst flooding in recent memory Police Jury President addressed a major problem facing the parish.  Here is his statement posted on facebook.

     "We have a drainage crisis in Calcasieu Parish. The following is my opinion, and I’m speaking only for myself as a citizen and as 1 of 15 Police Jurors. I apologize for the amount of text, and before anyone calls me out for not specifically addressing this street or that street, or this neighborhood or that neighborhood, I ask you to understand that if I wanted to fully address every aspect of drainage in Southwest Louisiana, I would need to author a novel. We must not look at this issue as a “North Lake Charles, “South Lake Charles, or “Downtown Lake Charles” problem. Truly, this is a parishwide problem. The American Press once said I "stirred the hornet's nest" with this issue. In Calcasieu Parish, we have 7 independent Gravity & Drainage Districts; that's right...7 districts all with their own boards(5 members each), superintendents, staffs, and equipment. We have taken a natural watershed that God has devised and cut it up in 7 districts, many with boundaries that follow no waterways or watershed. These man-made, straight lines drawn on the map have set up artificial "drainage walls," where a citizen may be lucky to live on one side of the street with a drainage district that is sufficiently funded and their neighbor across the street live in a drainage district that is not sufficiently funded. Add these drainage board members to the 15 police jurors we have and the dozens of city council members from cities and we have over 50 independent minds with their own visions for drainage improvement. Consolidation has historically been controversial. Within Calcasieu Parish, we have case studies for similar services consolidation, case studies that have proven very effective (library, roads, mosquito control, juvenile justice). We must view ourselves as a community, as "Calcasieu Parish Citizens," not "West of the River Citizens," "East of the River Citizens," or "Ward X Citizens." The first question we must ask ourselves, is, philosophically, how will we move forward to solve these drainage problems in our parish? Will we act as a unified front with cooperation and a sense of community, or will we deal in sectionalism? I believe every citizen of Calcasieu Parish deserves to have quality drainage, every citizen. I do not consider myself living in an isolated incorporated Lake Charles. I realize that I am also a citizen of Calcasieu Parish, and water will go where it wants to go, regardless of artificial, man-made boundaries. There is no “silver bullet” that will solve our crisis, but consolidation is a good foundational start. Simply continuing to do something the same way because "that's just always the way we've done it" is not a concept I agree with.

We must take action based on science, cooperation, common sense, an aversion to duplication of services, and of course, using the tax payers' dollar so that they shall receive the best bang for their buck. I understand studies are cumbersome and time consuming, but would we rather spend money recklessly without the engineering data to back it up? 
Moving forward, I offer several solutions: 1) Stop the bleeding. We must ask developers to change the way in which they develop. Constructing concrete jungles and eliminating all porous land on some lots over the past 30 years has done no favors to the drainage crisis. Rather than simply pushing excess water into laterals, more water can stay onsite. The Police Jury may vote on this in the coming months. Stay active and involved. Let your Police Jurors know how you feel. 2) Use more funds from the Parish Road & Drainage Trust Fund to partner with cities and drainage districts for capital improvement projects. To be sure, roads are a priority, but our drainage problem has reached a crisis stage. 3) Comprehensive capital improvements with additional revenue to maintain what already exists and to increase capacity. Allow me to speak about Lake Charles/Ward 3 for a moment. Contraband Bayou needs to be dredged. Coulees and laterals downtown need to be maintained. One outside of the box idea: we have a good amount of green space surrounding either sides of 2-10 and I-10. Could we create drainage basins along these roadways to get more water off the street? Neighborhoods all across Lake Charles need improvements on ditches and laterals. To accomplish all of this will cost a great deal, more than the current Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, or Gravity Drainage District budgets will allow. The old adage “don’t tax you, don’t tax me, tax the guy behind the tree” would apply here, however the tree has been washed away by our drainage crisis. I, speaking as a citizen and taxpayer, personally am at a point where I realize this issue is paramount. This issue is a priority. This is a crisis. 
Decades from now, I want generations to look back and say “Thank God they did something.” I do not want these future generations to say “My God, why didn’t they do something?” I suggest you attend the next Police Jury Drainage Committee meeting and let your voices be heard. We cannot fix our problems overnight, but we must begin somewhere."

     At the beginning of the week did you notice the article on the renewal of a tax in the print edition of the American Press on the front page?  Coincidence right?  With taxes coming from Baton Rouge, and a tax rate that is the highest in the country, good luck, consolidation, furloughs and layoffs may be your only option. People aren't going to tax themselves too much anymore.
     A.L.E.C. controls Louisiana. Monsanto is expanding it's plant in Luling, La. Almost $1 Billion  expansion, we get 100 jobs and more pollution, what a deal. 

Hope your week is a good week. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Random Thoughts The Blog

Carl M. Ambrose, Jr.

It been awhile since a new blog, so here it is random thoughts about the CPSB.

     If your child is a student in the Calcasieu Parish School System you need to read this. If you are a taxpayer in Calcasieu Parish you should read this and view the documents.

     Some background, prior to the vote on the sales tax to increase teachers pay, many people had reservations due to fact that the Superitendent of CPS was unable to balance the budget for....a long time, even when it was his only job. At the time of the tax proposal,  the plea was for the teachers. Of the 7,400+ employees of the school system, 2600+ are teachers. You would think that for sure all 2600+teachers got their $4000 raise, all didn't, some are rumored to have only received $3600 while some administrators, who NEVER deal with students, received the full amount. While we are on the subject of administration, someone should file F.O.I.A. or ask for a "forensic audit" to find out how many people are receiving a full pension as well as a cushy $50,00+ job and don't have to deal with students, as well as,  where is our money?  61 school,2600+ teachers, $330+ million dollar budget that will grow each yr. We have closed schools, fewer students, and in the past 10+ yrs 0 for 10+ in balanced budgets,  a common denominator that everyone knows. A total audit is the only we can account for EVERY DIME that is ours. Too many decisions made without the public's knowledge.

      Now this leads the the attorney who is suppose to represent the people of Calcasieu Parish by making sure that all laws are followed, all deadlines met, etc, you  know lawyer stuff that we aren't suppose to understand. He is FAILING miserably. In fact he may cost the school board some money, a lot, not $330 million, but a lot. The documents below outline how he has failed the public.

     Now to the President/Chair of the school board, who sets the agenda i.e. what can,who will, won't be able to talk and what will be  talked about, he campaigned on one thing and is now doing the opposite.  What can we say? He is using his position to Censor the very taxpayers whose money they have control of. Soon it will be all out in the open.  At this point as a taxpayer you have no idea if the money is being used wisely and can't find out because all decisions are made in either small "meetings" or Executive Committee.  Either way the taxpayers are shut out of decisions on their money.

     Some of you may be saying, "We already know that."  I would hope that you do, those that don't, you do now.  One would think that would be enough, it's not, there's more. The board now wants to take the University program away from LaGrange and Washington-Marion and move it to LCB.  This after  they discovered that won't have enough students to keep it open.  You may ask why does this matter since it would just be another school closed in NLC? Maybe they want to keep a public school close to downtown? not likely, maybe they don't own the property and if the school is closed, the property reverts back to the heirs.  So making the most gifted of these schools  get up earlier to be bused to LCB,( the program has only been in place for 1 yr) thus, in the process keeping LCB open and no one is the wiser.  The board has even gone as far as to send letters advising parents that they should attend a Thursday meeting, and not the Scheduled Tuesday meeting.

     Now about the stipulation that was put in place when the Sup. of CPS was placed in the position.
There many qualified candidate for the position the  of Co/Sup or whatever title they planned on using, but The superintendent chose someone NOT QUALIFIED, and asked for a waiver, IT WAS DENIED and still refuses to hire the qualified candidates in his building.  So earlier when I spoke of how the board's attorney could cost the parish money, this situation can, but you will never know, because the board has a long history of settling and keeping quiet ALL SUITS. You can go all the way back to to the late 70's and there  is a trail of settlements that you don't know about, just like you don't know about all the ones in the past, you don't know what's happening with your money.

     Speaking of THE LAW, below you may find another reason that all of the above decisions will or may cost the Parish more money. I received these in mail in an unmarked envelope postmarked from Baton Rouge, La. with nothing else, no note no explanation.  After reading them, no explanation was needed. Simple fact, of the 70 parishes with Superintendents, Calcasieu Parish is the ONLY ONE with a Non-Educator running it, and legally that may not be case.  Between a quarter of a Billion dollars and a half Billion dollars of your money, no matter who and where you are in Calcasieu Parish ,your school would be getting more money if the board made wiser decisions. Apologies to my English teacher.

     Enough for now...

These documents were sent anonymously from Baton Rouge.... 

All view expressed are those of Everythinglakecharles Blog,

Monday, February 1, 2016

random ramblings

Sunset at Civic Center

The Blog

Carl M. Ambrose, Jr.

     This past Thursday, nine of the Independent Presidential candidates came to Lake Charles to a debate.  The debate was hosted by Media Personality Jackie Simien with nine Candidates participating including Verone Thomas from Lake Charles, a Whig Party Candidate.  Mayor Randy Roach welcomed the candidates who included :  Dr. Lynn S. Kahn, John Fitzgerald Johnson, Robert Dionisio, Chris Keniston, Val Kittington, Rhett Sith, Sedinam Kinamo Shristin Moyowasifza-Curry.
The event was lived streamed, with other debates scheduled. (pictured below)

* Sasol is "delaying" the $14 Billion dollar project here in Lake Charles. Read More

* David Vitter is having his revenge against the state and John Bel Edwards, He and Steve Scalise are calling the shots from Washington via the defacto Speaker of the House, Cameron Henry. Two guys from New Orleans, running the state, from Washington, D.C.

*Lamar White,Jr. Is Everywhere, and Knows Things...see above.

*So "Feel the Bern" has arrived in Louisiana with Bernie Sanders opening a Louisiana campaign HQ   in Metairie, La. on Sunday around noon.

*Oil prices continue to drown the state's budget, $33/barrel today at the open.

*between 2005-2015 the population of Louisiana grew by 3% (133,960) (bureau of labor statistics)

*Between 2005-2015 revenue increased 9% from $22.2 billion to$24.2 billion (bureau of labor        statistics)

*Between 2005-2015 spending grew 15% or $3.3 billion  from $25.5 to $28.8 billion (bureau of labor   statistics)

*Republicans are trying to bankrupt the states, so social services can be cut.  See Kansas, Louisiana,
   New Jersey, Wisconsin.

****This Weeks Louisiana Facts ****

> 95% of hotels are at capacity in New Orleans for Mardi Gras

> It's a $500 fine to instruct a  pizza delivery to to deliver a pizza  to your friend without their          knowledge.

> Louisiana has the tallest state capitol building  34 stories and 450 feet.

> Gibson, La. is home to the Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum, a couple of miles where the couple    was killed.

> The first Opera performed in the United States was performed in New Orleans in 1796.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Crude Oil Prices Crippling the State Budget

Random Ramblings- The Blog

Carl M. Ambrose, Jr.

(Lake Charles,La) Yesterday the Price of oil closed below $27 a barrel. The Louisiana budget is based on $63 a barrel, you don't have to be a Rhodes Scholar to see what's taking place. The state of La. uses oil prices to project what revenues will be generated via mineral revenues, adding corporate taxes and sales tax from employee spending. A reduction in those numbers causes a reduction in the state budget.  Jan Moeller, the Director of the Louisiana Budget Project had this to say to the Louisiana Radio Network:

"I think the original budget for this year was built on $63 a barrel oil.  I think the forecast has downgraded into the 40's, but I think it going to have to be dropped again."

     The lower prices for oil are and will adversely affect the state of Louisiana's budget, a budget that cannot take any more hits.

     As we the price continues to drops, not only will jobs be lost, but you can also expect sharp drops in Corporate tax collection, Individual income tax collections as well as sales tax collections.
This reduction in funds available to the state means there will be a reduction in state services, possibly layoff in many sectors and less money for the funding of roadwork and higher education.

     It is very important that Governor Edwards and the state legislature use care in the allocation of limited funds that are dwindling by the day. There are many factors that can come into play that can make this situation much worse. 

      As Rep. Neil Abramson has shown us there are self-serving individuals that don't care about what their constituents or the people of the state of Louisiana want or need.  It's time to root them all out, or else, nothing will change.  As long as our future is solely tied to the price of oil and remains below the break even point for the state...that hole in the budget, will remain.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Randon Thoughts, The Blog

The Blog

Carl M. Ambrose, Jr.

IMAGE : Carl Ambrose

     Not long after President Obama signed an "executive action" on gun control, (not an "executive order", there is a difference) one Louisiana legislator now thinks citizens of our state should be free to open or conceal carry ...without a permit.  That brain child is from Rep. Barry Ivey of Baton Rouge.  Ivey's thinking, or lack there of it, is the state should eliminate the permit required for concealed carry, and "an amendment to the state Constitution for "permit-less" conceal and carry as the people's right, and that such a constitutional safeguard is the best way to secure strong Second Amendment rights for the future generations." Under the present constitution of La. an individual has the right to keep and bear arms.  The bill will come before the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice, if passed to the full house it would be voted on during statewide elections in November.

*Neil Abramson...let's see what he's done for the citizens of Louisiana besides help 

begin what will be obstruction of the Governor. If that weren't so, the governor would 

have, like all governors before him, his choice of Speaker of the House.  Now back to 

Mr. Abramson, remember this article by Melinda Deslatte"Neil Abramson, New 



*Steve Scalise has time to come and threaten a freshman Senator, and help start what will be Republican obstruction of the Democratic Governor. 

*Extremely quiet since since the elections, Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser and Attorney General Jeff Landry.

*Will someone ask the Secretary of State, to OPEN OUR MUSEUMS and stop the Lawsuit involving MVRA, this state is the ONLY STATE still fighting this. It's cost us $1.3 million, roughly the amount to open our museums. READ MORE

*Still believe that Bernnie Sanders is a joke? Sunday $1 Million from 36,000

*According to documents obtained by the BBC and Buzzfeed, investigators hired by the Association of Tennis Professionals uncovered signs of corrupt betting syndicates and gamblers buying off well-ranked players.  It Seems that the Russian and Italian Mobs want in on the action.

 It seems Louisiana isn't the only state that values private prisons more than education:
*The State of Maryland has approved a $30 million dollar bid for a new Jail, but rejected $11 million for schools. Apparently their is more money in jailing kids, than teaching them.   Corporations use prison labor.....

  This Week's  Louisiana Facts

*There are 4.6 million residents of Louisiana, 2.5 million are registered voters.

*49% of candidates in the last election cycle, ran....UNOPPOSED.

*21% of the Louisiana legislature have degrees.

*19% of Louisianians are on government assistance. 

*Baton Rouge is the only site of an American Revolution Battle that was fought outside the          original 13 colonies.

*Famous authors Truman Capote & Anne Rice are both from Louisisana.


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***The views expressed on this site are the author's and the author's alone. They do not reflect the views of his employer, or any professional or legal organization with which he is affiliated.***

Sunday, January 10, 2016

: Companies won't let employees use I-10 Bridge, what do they know we don't?

The Blog
By: C.M.Ambrose, Jr.

    (LakeCharles, La.)  Back in the summer of 2013 an article appeared in the Lake Charles American Press by Johnathan Manning.  The piece was about a magazine article, the title Magazine: Calcasieu River bridge one of nation's most dangerous. The article,  it was referring to, appeared in Travel and Leisure with the Bridge coming in 7th on the list.  From the article:

Lauren Lee, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Transportation and Development, said that if the bridge were deemed unsafe, it would be closed.

 Since that time no information about what's been done to clean up the ethylene dichloride  from the '94 spill, that halted the construction, due to drinking water contamination dangers. Is it still there?  Did you clean it up? That's doubtful, that takes money, and that's been in short supply for many years. The report is due this year, 2016 on how they should proceed.

     Here we are 22  years later, with a $5+ million dollar spot paint/critical repair job on the I-10 bridge and the citizens who travel that bridge remain in danger with no specific plans or solutions in place or being planned.  In 2009 a piece appeared authored by Andrew W. Griffin on, an Oklahoma information site in the category "around the world", titled  LA: Report says I-10 bridge at Lake Charles is Dangerous.  In the piece Mr. Griffin writes;

"Then Dr. Movassaghi, my friend and the former Sec. of Transportation for the state, told me he never uses the bridge. He and other highway dept. officials use the loop around Lake Charles.  Simply put, they are truly afraid of the bridge and are considering condemning it."

     He urges drivers to preempt them and use another route.  He goes on to describe a conversation he had with his brother-in-law, a "corrosion specialist for 40yrs" who while waiting near the bridge he "studied" the bottom of the bridge and was concerned about the amount and type of corrosion.  He stated he comes to this area regularly and never uses the bridge. While some may say,  that is simply conjecture, what's not conjecture is that there are and have been companies who "forbid travel over the bridge in company vehicles or equipment."  saying the state rated this bridge 2.4 on a scale of  0-9 and stated it is at or near "critical condition"(2009)  From the IHS Engeneering forumn  back in Jan. '09, this is it:

 Bridge Structural Failure Warning: I-10 Lake Charles, Louisiana

01/21/2009 3:48 PM

I have been informed that the bridge over Lake Charles in Louisiana on I-10 is rated structurally unsound by the State of Louisiana. My employer has issued an advisory to all company employees that no company owned vehicle may use the bridge.
"This advisory is submitted as a directive which restricts the use of the Calcasieu River and Lake Charles Bridge on Interstate Highway #10 in the area of Lake Charles, Louisiana (Coordinates 30 degrees 14 minutes and 13.28 seconds N and 93 degrees 14 minutes and 48.41 seconds West).

The above noted bridge is restricted by <deleted> to "No Travel". This no travel restriction applies to all vehicles owned and or operated by <deleted>. Travel in this area must be directed to Interstate Highway #210 (Lake Charles By-Pass) or other routes which by-pass and avoid the above noted bridge.

The state of Louisiana has rated this bridge at 2.4 on the National Bridge Inventory Rating Scale of 0 to 9 with 0 being "Failed Condition". The rating of 2.4 on the Calcasieu River Bridge classes this bridge at or near "Critical Condition"."

  It seems that parts of the country know that the bridge is so unsafe, they don't risk their equipment or their people.  It also comes to mind that any traffic studies done, any projections done on impact, or any other set of numbers that have been used or given concerning infrastructure impact, are flawed.  Since no company has  to voluntarily say if their employees or equipment are forbid from using the I-10 bridge, we have no idea how many of those people are adding to traffic problems around the loop.   On Oct. 1, 2015 the La. Dept. of Trans. announced:
     "Louisiana statewide historic bridge Programmatic Agreement announced." 
     The State recently announced Roadwork on the I-210 Bridge, with alternate closing of east and west bound lanes, running single lanes alternately on either side.  This is scheduled to start this spring. This will thus increasing the traffic on the already overburdened I-10 bridge, as well, increase traffic in certain parts of the city, Moss Bluff, Westlake, and Sulphur.  The effects will ripple throughout Swla., thus causing a condition ripe to cause major problems, quite frankly this place isn't ready to handle.  This doesn't take into account any street projects the parish or city has planned for the same time period. Any more street closings with make a bad situation worse, and with $12 billion in backlogged Road projects( U.S. Senate hearing 114-40) solutions don't look to be coming soon. I am sorry to say that the infrastructure problems that exist here will magnify and expose some things that weren't considered.  Now, might be too late. But something needs to be done to insure the safety of the people who use, both bridges.  Someone knows something we don't.