Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Benefits of On-line Advertising

Can help to increase your sales.

     The biggest benefit of online advertising is, that it is much less expensive and reaches a much wider audience than traditional advertising. Everythinglakecharles.com Online advertising will give you more profit per customer, as well as an increase in the number of customers, than traditional advertising. It has many advantages that traditional advertising can't give you without higher cost, as well as, some which they just can't offer. Some online advertising, like that offered by Everythinglakecharles.com, is a completely new concept in advertising. Everythinglakecharles.com offers a concept which offers a wide range of possibilities that aren't yet available in most online advertising. Possibilities that offer small businesses alternative, as well as, cost effective ways they can increase profits and increase traffic to stores and sites. Sites such as, Everythinglakecharles.com, with the newest software, online business and city guides offer things such as: video advertising, mobile advertising,banner advertising, article advertising and more. These online guides have become more important and have increased in number because, now 86% of all people research and/or buy online, with the vast majority of that number using mobile devices to do so. So if you are only doing print and TV/radio, you are missing a larger market share and a large pool of potential clients. Having a website is great and every business should have one, the problem is driving potential clients to your site, or if you don't have a website, you need to have something like a business/city guide that gives you a web presence to add to your conventional advertising. 
     Online advertising can literally drive customers to your store or business, with Google maps and mobile ease. A person can, at the spur of the moment, see an add that catches their eye and use the map feature to be directed right to the front door. No other media gives you that feature. Online advertising, like that offered by Everythinglakecharles.com unlike conventional advertising, doesn't require that a person be sitting reading or watching . Some of the newest innovations in online advertising have brought us to a place where you can order your ad, place it, at anytime edit it, add pictures, have a summary and a detailed description, have the ability to add a coupon, all without talking to a single person, if you choose not to. The mere fact that you can edit you ad at anytime day or night,7/24/365, pictures or a snippet of a video, is something every small business person should consider. Having the ability to change your advertising whenever you need to or want to can be the difference in having piles of inventory taking up space in your store or money taking up space in your bank account. The ability to add a coupon on sale item instantaneously.
      Print, radio and television almost always requires an audience to, for the most part be sitting still. With the new technology everything is on the move, mobile apps for city and business guides which have Google or other maps, allow prospective clients to look up while driving, offering the ability to drive potential clients straight to your business, or be linked to your website for direct interaction. Cost of a featured ad from Everythinglakecharles.com, is considerably less than any other medium and most importantly your profit per client increases which helps your bottom line. The most important thing that online advertising can do immediately, is drive traffic to your website and/or store, and online advertising gives them access to this information 24 hrs a day at their fingertips. With the cost of most online advertising much less than other mediums, it makes sense to compliment your advertising with online advertising. The newest forms of online advertising offer you the ability to Edit your ad when needed, add pictures, add video snippets, direct contact forms and more. The newest concept is article ads, where you write an article describing you business or service and what it can do for potential clients. The benefits of this is you can be thorough in describing what you offer and how you are best for the job.  Speaking of JOBS go to Everythinglakecharles.com and click LOCAL JOBS  and see what's available in SWLA and list your job. For an example of what online advertising can do for you, visit Everythinglakecharles.com or one of the sister sites and look at the different offerings. Cost effective advertising with a built in target audience, that's Online Advertising.

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