The Blog
Carl M. Ambrose, Jr.
Recently there was another election and the enemy of democracy, low voter turnout, showed up as it always does. The race for Treasurer of the state of Louisiana had 373,387 votes cast. 208,118 (56%) for John Schroder (R) and 165,269 (44%) for Derrick Edwards (D). There are roughly 2.9 million registered voters in the state of La., roughly 25% are "no Party" affiliation, that leaves 2.2 million voters in the main two parties. Voters in Louisiana have voted at about just over 10% for the last two election cycles. The sad thing is as a state, Louisiana has a very active social media presence, proving there's big talk and no action.
In Calcasieu Parish voters in 4 out of 5 districts, voted down CPSB bond proposals, with District 31 being the only district to add an additional tax on themselves, special interest groups lead a ground game that appealed mostly to non-property owners and church people. The schools should have been maintained for the period the superintendent says "nothing has been done", there is a bond that has been out for the same amount of time that, "nothing has been done", where's that money and who got it because according to him, District 31 didn't. Higher property taxes aren't conducive to business growth, and with the state looking at big cuts, economic development, in the short-term, appears to be dead for that area of town. The description of the vote being close is accurate but misleading, only 1 in 10 registered voters voted during this cycle, some say it' voter apathy, that may be true, but what's also true in our state and especially local governments, seem to schedule votes on things they want to pass during cycles that anticipate low turnout, makes it easier to "win" while wasting thousands and thousands of dollars holding elections. This one was tacked on to a statewide run-off so there is no complaint there.
At the November meeting of the CPSB, a week before asking citizens to vote to increase taxes, a discussion of giving a tax incentive to a corporation. Here is a tax break discussion on a $230 million project that will create 2 permanent jobs. Click below for discussion
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Click for Discussion. |
Getting back to the Bond that was passed, there are several questions that taxpayer should ask themselves going forward. Some of these are:
- How many people comprise the Bid Review Board?
- Who comprises the Bid Review Board?
- What parameters bring the complete Board into the Bid Review Process of said board.
- If those parameters aren't met what extent is the complete Board involved?
- Is there a system in place to protect the taxpayers?
- What is the Superintendents full role in the process?
- Why do so many bids come in just under $150 k but with change orders exceed the highest bid?
- Are minority contractors to involved with the work to be done in District 31?
- Where is the money being spent for the current bond in District 31?
- Why there is never any money for the kids, but money always available for another position in an bloated school administration?
- What were the performances of the people being brought in from smaller school systems prior to their hire in Calcasieu Parish?
Something else should be considered, District Assessment Scores, and why the Superintendents evaluations don't reflect the poor performance of the District since the beginning of his tenure.
In 2008 the CPSB spent $72 Million dollars less on students than in 2016 and had better ACT scores than in 2016. You can see the current spending per pupil, per school here on pages 292-293. (page count at top of PDF)
This past weekend the American Press, the mouthpiece for the Superintendent, outlined the current failing schools, and the length of tenure by the principals of those schools. First the Superintendent and the administration were blaming parents, now they are trying to blame the principals, it's neither, it's the superintendent and the board that is the problem. All the stakeholders are frustrated with the poor performance across the board. The main reason the schools are under-performing is the lack of certified teachers. None of those schools listed have the full compliment of certified teachers, a problem that, according to the Superintendent, was to be fixed when the 1% sales tax was presented.
From an earlier blog:
The Thursday after Mr. Tarver lashed out at the board and walked out of the Committee meeting, the American Press wrote an article about the meeting. Now what they didn't include in the article was the discussion of certified teachers or lack there of, as well as, the chronically failing schools.
This is the discussion on certified teachers where the reason these principals are having trouble, listen to the very beginning.
In 2008 the CPSB spent $72 Million dollars less on students than in 2016 and had better ACT scores than in 2016. You can see the current spending per pupil, per school here on pages 292-293. (page count at top of PDF)
This past weekend the American Press, the mouthpiece for the Superintendent, outlined the current failing schools, and the length of tenure by the principals of those schools. First the Superintendent and the administration were blaming parents, now they are trying to blame the principals, it's neither, it's the superintendent and the board that is the problem. All the stakeholders are frustrated with the poor performance across the board. The main reason the schools are under-performing is the lack of certified teachers. None of those schools listed have the full compliment of certified teachers, a problem that, according to the Superintendent, was to be fixed when the 1% sales tax was presented.
From an earlier blog:
You've been hearing about a lack of certified teachers for years now, as a matter of fact, when the sales tax was passed in 2015 the Superintendent was quoted in an online article from KPLC saying this
"Now that we will be the number one starting in average salary in our region, we're going to take advantage of that and shout it from the mountaintop. So, if we can draw those certified teachers to Calcasieu Parish, we're going to try to get them," said Bruchhaus."
The Thursday after Mr. Tarver lashed out at the board and walked out of the Committee meeting, the American Press wrote an article about the meeting. Now what they didn't include in the article was the discussion of certified teachers or lack there of, as well as, the chronically failing schools.
This is the discussion on certified teachers where the reason these principals are having trouble, listen to the very beginning.
The reason that some believe the American Press simply is the mouthpiece of the Superintendent are simple. In the earlier article in the American Press "Board Member Lashes Out at School System" there was a quote attributed to board member Wayne Williams, that according to him and some present, was not said. The bigger question was why was a reporter at school resource meeting? Then led the story off by telling us that it wasn't a meeting to be covered, in not so many words, the first line, Quoting:
What was supposed to be a resource meeting for parents of John F. Kennedy Elementary students on Friday instead became a forum for an indignant Calcasieu Parish School Board member, who lambasted system administrators and his colleagues and accused a school of cheating to boost test scores.
Why haven't you covered any resource meetings Prior to that one? Since then? It's a setup to help the Superintendent discredit a dessenting voice.. All of the members that have been on the board prior to the vote on term limits, back the Superintendent nearly 100% of the time, with one of those,having never been opposed, and because of that fact, has never had to file a campaign finance report.
While lack of transparency has everyone, including board members, in the dark, it's time to say, "No more money until the stakeholders know where it's going. If the revenues of the 1% sales are 30% higher than projections, they don't need anymore tax increases or bond issues, until a forensic audit is done to give the stakeholders piece of mind.
After the bond vote, there was an interview with board member Glenda Gay discussing the bond issue on FB live and on-air with KZWA. In the interview she discusses some of the potential waste that the proposed plan brings. You can hear that interview HERE
Next bond election: April 2018 Sales Tax District No. 3, see circled area of image.
Groups are forming all over the parish with taxpayers extremely upset at all aspects of how the CPSB has been run and is being run, some even discussing law suits when property tax time rolls around again., in particular residents that don't have children and are watching their property values and neighborhoods being allowed to fall into decline, Meanwhile as Mr. Breaux stated on the record, $150 Million spent in the western part of the parish since he has been on the board, they haven't seen that kind of money in the area where the failing schools are, as the Superintendent said, "Nothing has been done for 16-17 yrs." Well where is all that bond money that has been collected for those same years? It certainly hasn't gone to capital improvements in the district they are collecting it from, his words, no one else.What was supposed to be a resource meeting for parents of John F. Kennedy Elementary students on Friday instead became a forum for an indignant Calcasieu Parish School Board member, who lambasted system administrators and his colleagues and accused a school of cheating to boost test scores.
Why haven't you covered any resource meetings Prior to that one? Since then? It's a setup to help the Superintendent discredit a dessenting voice.. All of the members that have been on the board prior to the vote on term limits, back the Superintendent nearly 100% of the time, with one of those,having never been opposed, and because of that fact, has never had to file a campaign finance report.
While lack of transparency has everyone, including board members, in the dark, it's time to say, "No more money until the stakeholders know where it's going. If the revenues of the 1% sales are 30% higher than projections, they don't need anymore tax increases or bond issues, until a forensic audit is done to give the stakeholders piece of mind.
After the bond vote, there was an interview with board member Glenda Gay discussing the bond issue on FB live and on-air with KZWA. In the interview she discusses some of the potential waste that the proposed plan brings. You can hear that interview HERE
Next bond election: April 2018 Sales Tax District No. 3, see circled area of image.
If they can afford to give tax incentives to corporations who are making record profits, NO NEW TAXES until a forensic audit is done.
It was clear that Sasol's decision to drop the $14 Billion plant in Mossville, just adds insult to injury, a legacy of the Jindal administration who not only gave away the state but gave Sasol $115 million dollars to purchase land in Mossville. While the state gets out of paying $200 million in incentives, it doesn't have to begin with, the only winner in this is Sasol. Losers? The people of Mossville who indirectly paid for the purchase of their own land disguised as a payment from Sasol, the payments, which came from the state. The people of SWLA lose, the economic boom has been more of a bust for most.
So a new golf course for the area near the Morgan field subdivision, maybe what was said about the $12 Million put aside for a school, is true. You will never know, the Administration keeps everyone in the dark, and there is no transparency. Stakeholders have no way of knowing if their best interest are being looked after, and based on the record of this administration, no one will.
from an earlier blog:
Note to Anyone listening, it's 2017, the CPSB meeting should be live streamed on their facebook page so all citizens could at least have the opportunity to see for themselves what's happening concerning their children, tax dollars, and what they are going to do about chronic failing schools. The cost of live streaming is minimal and takes nothing more than turning a camera on, then turning it off. Simple. It's called transparency.
From the Mayor
There is a lack of affordable housing in the Lake Charles area, so we are seeing a growing problem with homelessness, the rents in the city are in the $1000-$1500 a month range in some areas of the city. Mayor Nic Hunter, concerned about this issued this statement of Facebook:
We have a growing homeless population in Lake Charles. First, God bless the many people who help our homeless; and thank you. Our homeless brothers and sisters are not forgotten. I believe there are some untapped opportunities with the VA to assist our homeless veterans find more than temporary shelter. We will facilitate a community wide conversation about all homelessness. More can and will be done. - Nic Hunter Mayor of Lake Charles