Sunday, October 23, 2016

Random Thoughts

The Blog

Carl M. Ambrose, Jr.

These are 10 of the easiest vegetables you can regrow and not have to purchase again.  With concerns about food safety, GMOs, and the financial times which we live, this will take little effort and save you time and money.

1)Green Onions
One of the easiest vegetables to regrow is green onions because you can literally eat them and replant them. Simply cut off of the stems that you will use for your recipes and place the ends in a jar of water. Within just a few days you will begin to notice new shoots growing and you can replant them for regrowth.
2) Garlic
One great thing about garlic is you can purchase a few cloves and never have to buy it again. This is because new garlic shoots will actually grow out of the individual cloves themselves. And guess what? No water needed. All you have to do is place them on a dish in the sun and you will begin to notice new green shoots growing from the cloves. Pretty cool, huh?
3) Bok Choy
Bok Choy is another easy vegetable to regrow because the stem/root of the plant can be soaked in water with a little fertilizer and will begin to regrow new plants. Once a strong root system has begun to form and you notice solid greenery growing from the bulb, you can plant it. After you harvest it again you can repeat the process
4) Carrots
Eat. Grow. Repeat. That is the way of the carrot which is one of the easiest vegetables to continue to grow. All you need to do is keep the ends of the carrots and soak them in shallow water. New shoots will begin to grow from the carrot stubs as well as roots. In no time you will have brand new carrots to enjoy as a side dish or on top of your salads.
5) Basil
When it comes to herbs, the easiest one to continue to grow and never purchase more is basil. Why you ask? Well, the basil leaves themselves can be planted to grow brand new basil plants! Talk about the circle of life. So if you love cooking with basil, you can have a never ending supply by simply potting a few of the leaves.
Have you ever bought a big bunch of celery and didn’t know what to do with the “butt” once you’ve sliced all the stalks? Well, now you do–plant it to grow more celery. All you have to do is soak it in water and the plant will regrow it’s roots and you can easily plant it again to grow more stalks. Talk about a money saver!
Romaine lettuce is another excellent vegetable that is perfect for constant regrowth. All you need to do is soak the end of the head of lettuce for a week and you will begin to see new roots take shape. You can then transfer them to your garden or pots until brand new heads of romaine have grown. It’s a fairly simple process and you will always have salad available.
Cilantro is another herb that is great for easy growing and you can literally plant the cilantro leaves to start having new shoots begin to sprout. It can take a little longer with cilantro due to how delicate the herb is and that there is no root system, but it will grow and you can easily have cilantro for days!
9)Sweet Potatoes
Have you ever left a sweet potato in your fridge for too long and noticed it began to sprout leaves? This is because a sweet potato plant can actually regrow itself from the potato because it’s a root to begin with. Therefore, if you want to have a constant supply of sweet potatoes plant a few in your garden. In no time you will have brand new baby sweet potatoes.
Ginger is a great herb for flavoring drinks, teas as well as soothing the stomach from ailments. You can also keep regrowing it by planting the ginger itself in the ground because it’s actually a root. So the next time you run to the store, grab some extra ginger and plant it in a pot. You will be surprised at how quickly it will continue to grow.

     There are other plants which you can easily grow, hopefully these tips will help you save some money and also give you something the family can do together.  It's time to grow food!   Until the urge to write strikes again have a great week.